View Full Version : Can anyone recommend a good Psychic in Tenerife?

25-07-2011, 12:31
I hesitate to ask this question as I know the sort of remarks I'm gonna get - but am serious on this one!

25-07-2011, 12:44
Good interpreted as one being convincing or one which has a certificate proving their visions?

My advice is accept Life for all that it throws at you

If there was one "Good" Psychic they would of made the news by now


Malteser Monkey
25-07-2011, 13:29
Good interpreted as one being convincing or one which has a certificate proving their visions?

My advice is accept Life for all that it throws at you

If there was one "Good" Psychic they would of made the news by now


found you already;)

25-07-2011, 13:32
ill do it,it will be 50euro for a half hour sitting:eyebrows:

25-07-2011, 13:33
Thats Psycho..........................dear


25-07-2011, 18:33
I hesitate to ask this question as I know the sort of remarks I'm gonna get - but am serious on this one!

looks you dont like need a psychic, you already predicted the outcome of this thread

25-07-2011, 18:36
I used to be a MEDIUM!!! But now im XL!!!

25-07-2011, 18:46
I used to be a MEDIUM!!! But now im XL!!!

No wonder they went bust..:lol:

25-07-2011, 20:54
Ok, so not exactly psychic but Angie in Ocean View does tarot cards and she's really good. I haven't got her number but I can try and get it if you're interested or someone else on the forum may know her, she's been here for at least 18 years doing cards all that time so she must be doing something right (ok apart from conning us out of money!!)

25-07-2011, 22:53
Lynne - Brilliant. Her fee is not for a fixed time, say 1 hour. It is for a reading, however long that may take.
The best ones like Lynne do not advertise. Recommendations are all she needs.
Tel.666-083-494 Yes, I thought it was weird too having a tel number with 666 in it!

25-07-2011, 23:25
The best ones like Lynne do not advertise. Recommendations are all she needs. She advertises in the Canarian weekly but uses the name "Amy":

TAROT READING / ASTROLOGY Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494

25-07-2011, 23:36
She advertises in the Canarian weekly but uses the name "Amy":
Proves I'm not Physhic!

25-07-2011, 23:45
She advertises in the Canarian weekly but uses the name "Amy":

So if Lynne the Psychic can't even get her own name right i think you should swerve her! The most famous one was Doris Stokes and she has now held her hands up and admitted its a load of crap!

26-07-2011, 00:08
So if Lynne the Psychic can't even get her own name right i think you should swerve her! The most famous one was Doris Stokes and she has now held her hands up and admitted its a load of crap!
So you've not heard of a "nom de plumb" or the fact that loads of people go by a "trade" name. I recently meet an Edward that is known as Eamon - go figure!

26-07-2011, 00:13
So you've not heard of a "nom de plumb" or the fact that loads of people go by a "trade" name. I recently meet an Edward that is known as Eamon - go figure!

Hahahaha you can't even spell Nom de plume correctly :raspberry:;)

26-07-2011, 00:17
Hahahaha you can't even spell Nom de plume correctly :raspberry:;)
Picky - never claimed to be a French expert!

26-07-2011, 00:34
TIS im not having a go at you, but you started digging a hole for yourself & Lynne in post number 10 when you said she was so good she didn't need to advertise and a couple of posts later we are informed she does advertise but calls herself Amy, I honestly couldn't give a monkeys but i don't like seeing gullible people ripped off.

26-07-2011, 00:45
I recently meet an Edward that is known as Eamon - go figure!

I know an Eliot that goes by the name Alan. Strange world, innit?:spin:

26-07-2011, 00:46
TIS im not having a go at you, but you started digging a hole for yourself & Lynne in post number 10 when you said she was so good she didn't need to advertise and a couple of posts later we are informed she does advertise but calls herself Amy, I honestly couldn't give a monkeys but i don't like seeing gullible people ripped off.
No probs Al Jay, I realise we're slightly off thread. Bottom line, she is good and I hadn't realised she had a tiny ad in the paper.

26-07-2011, 14:37
Thanks TIS, will contact her

26-07-2011, 15:47
Thanks TIS, will contact her

Let's hope she's expecting you....:)

26-07-2011, 16:08
This is an interesting read on how "Cold Readers" operate, including Doris Stokes, John Edward etc.


26-07-2011, 20:18
Your Inbox is full. (unexpectedly) Could You clear some space please.?

26-07-2011, 20:33
Your Inbox is full. (unexpectedly) Could You clear some space please.?

Don't you go getting overbooked in January Warbs, remember I am your first client ;)

26-07-2011, 20:45
Thanks TIS, will contact her

Let us know how you get on (by PM if you prefer) as I'm interested .

26-07-2011, 22:16
Psychic,Roman Catholic,Muslim,Hindu and Buddhist etc are things we beieve in between Birth and Death, the only two certainties there are! ...............taxes used to be a certainty,but now only apply to people who have to work for a living!

27-07-2011, 00:50
.......................taxes used to be a certainty,but now only apply to people who have to work for a living!
not true. we ALL pay taxes. Although some things that we buy are zero rated, most are not, so one way or another everybody pays taxes, hence the phrase that "...the only certainties in life and death and taxes".

27-07-2011, 01:59
not true. we ALL pay taxes. Although some things that we buy are zero rated, most are not, so one way or another everybody pays taxes, hence the phrase that "...the only certainties in life and death and taxes".

You are forgetting the certainty that when you drop your toast IT WILL land butter side down

27-07-2011, 02:14
You are forgetting the certainty that when you drop your toast IT WILL land butter side down
LOL - Okay, 3 things in life are guaranteed.

27-07-2011, 05:20
You are forgetting the certainty that when you drop your toast IT WILL land butter side down

And cats always land on feet first sooooooooo if you strap a buttered piece of toast onto a cats back, What would happen?

27-07-2011, 08:14
And cats always land on feet first sooooooooo if you strap a buttered piece of toast onto a cats back, What would happen?

You'd get done for animal cruelty.....

27-07-2011, 09:20
I guess so sounds like a job for catman

27-07-2011, 09:29
And cats always land on feet first sooooooooo if you strap a buttered piece of toast onto a cats back, What would happen?

You'd have a " Crocked Miaowforsure"
(Croque Monsiuer for the less elegant!)

27-07-2011, 09:30
I guess so sounds like a job for catman
Here he comes to save the day!

27-07-2011, 09:33
Here he comes to save the day!

That doesn´t look like a Psychic´s medium , more like XXL ( and there´s not toast !)

27-07-2011, 11:13
not true. we ALL pay taxes. Although some things that we buy are zero rated, most are not, so one way or another everybody pays taxes, hence the phrase that "...the only certainties in life and death and taxes".

But if you pay your tax on money the taxpayer gives you and keeps on giving you............does that make you a taxpayer??? or is it the people who are working and paying taxes who are your taxpayers???

27-07-2011, 11:33
Liana is a Physic artist who has a different take on readings. She produces you a picture of your aura while giving you the reading. She writes for the Tenerife Weekly when it's printed so if you have any old editions around you can read her articles. She is away running workshops from next week but I think she is here until Tuesday. Her number is 672994666. Yes another 666!!!

27-07-2011, 11:37
Liana is a Physic artist who has a different take on readings. She produces you a picture of your aura while giving you the reading. She writes for the Tenerife Weekly when it's printed so if you have any old editions around you can read her articles. She is away running workshops from next week but I think she is here until Tuesday. Her number is 672994666. Yes another 666!!!
She is a member on here:

27-07-2011, 11:48
Surely no psychic with real gifts would need to advertise anywhere, nor give their phone numbers out - they would know you needed them.....


02-08-2011, 19:34

Why do Tose who DONT Believe, shout the Loudest ?

08-08-2011, 20:28
Surely no psychic with real gifts would need to advertise anywhere, nor give their phone numbers out - they would know you needed them.....

We all use people with differnet skills to fix or improve our lives, whether that be on an emotional level or a physical level. What I don't understand is that there are so many people who claim to "believe in a God" ( what religion is irrelevant as none of them can prove they exist). Whilst a genuine psychic can impart information that nobody else except you yourself know about and more often than not is not documented anywhere, so I believe that if they then give you information about future events you need to heed them. As forewarned is forearmed one is then better equipped to steer one's life in which ever direction you then choose.

In my experience those who deny that some pschics have real power are too scared to have a reading or have had the misfortune of going to a "cold reader" so I can understand their disbelief.

08-08-2011, 21:40
This is an argument No-one can win.
Yoiu believe or You dont.
Not much between..

Those who do are lucky Those who dont will never understand what they are missing,
until perhaps after Death itself. Then most will be revealed....