View Full Version : What's your opinion of Jeremy Corbyn?

16-09-2015, 22:27
what are members thoughts? so as not to expect members to give me their thoughts and me just jump on the bandwagon. i will state that i think he is an odious man and a danger to our country's safety and integrity. and i also think that there will be a split in the labour party. resulting in there being a party lead by him .and another splinter group being lead by either andy burnham and yvette cooper

17-09-2015, 02:48
what are members thoughts? so as not to expect members to give me their thoughts and me just jump on the bandwagon. i will state that i think he is an odious man and a danger to our country's safety and integrity. and i also think that there will be a split in the labour party. resulting in there being a party lead by him .and another splinter group being lead by either andy burnham and yvette cooper

I'm not really very politically savvy but I just don't like the guy, looks like he needs a good grooming. How has he got in as Labour leader?

17-09-2015, 06:10
I don't really get involved in politics either but there's something about this guy that I don't like.

He no doubt means well and is probably less in it for himself than most but things have moved on and JC seems old fashioned in today's modern society. He has the backing of a lot of people who basically just like a good moan and want everything done for them and if there was an election tomorrow he wouldn't stand a chance.

What's the point in being awkward trying to drum up sensation by snubbing the Queen ( I don't mind that, it's his choice ) and then later saying he'll sing the National Anthem in future? People expect to see strength of conviction, not dithering.

Of course a lot is based on what papers you read but at the end of the day ideals are fine but the money has to come from somewhere...

I think Marb is correct. his appointment will split the party. So that'll split the voters which will no doubt mean Labour are pretty much non runners. .....Time will tell....:tiphat:

17-09-2015, 06:44
You are lucky we also have the SNP to deal with:wow::wow:

17-09-2015, 09:16
You are lucky we also have the SNP to deal with:wow::wow:

In a strange way, he may be good for the future of the UK, by gaining votes from some of those less committed to independance in the SNP.

17-09-2015, 09:44
In a strange way, he may be good for the future of the UK, by gaining votes from some of those less committed to independance in the SNP.

Every cloud .. rolleyes2:

Malteser Monkey
17-09-2015, 10:07
Scruffy looking fella

am not very savvy with politics

17-09-2015, 10:16
His complete disrespect towards our Monarchy, our armed Forces and his association with the murdering IRA scum McGuiness and his side kick Adams makes me despair. Who the f*** votes for ****s like him.

17-09-2015, 10:53
According to the Times Corbyn & Diane Abbott were lovers.

17-09-2015, 11:49
His complete disrespect towards our Monarchy, our armed Forces and his association with the murdering IRA scum McGuiness and his side kick Adams makes me despair. Who the f*** votes for ****s like him.

Honest, it wasn't me Ted .... :scared:

17-09-2015, 12:43
Many people will think this man is a complete waste of time & a throwback to life fifty years ago. With some very doubtful friends as well.

But I think it is refreshing that at least he has been elected & cannot do much harm to the country or the economy, not like that one eyed idiot from Raith.

I just hope his back is up to all the U turns he will have to make.

17-09-2015, 12:59
Many people will think this man is a complete waste of time & a throwback to life fifty years ago. With some very doubtful friends as well.

But I think it is refreshing that at least he has been elected & cannot do much harm to the country or the economy, not like that one eyed idiot from Raith.

I just hope his back is up to all the U turns he will have to make.

I think you mean the one eyed idiot from Kirkcaldy, Raith Rovers is the football team he supports:flatcap:

17-09-2015, 13:04


17-09-2015, 15:04


17-09-2015, 17:39


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17-09-2015, 20:47
We as a countryhave no-one equipped to be a Leader and stand out from the Pack. They even make Blair look good.

I honestly think the whole lot are a bunch of con-merchants liars and cheats.

The only People who seem to succeed are the Politicians themselves, recently awarded another 10% PLUS Expenses.

I had hoped the "Member" of the Cameron Clan would be a breath of fresh air, but is seemingly yet another who only talks the talk.

Lets hope the Next born LEADER doesn't take us all up the Swanee!!!!!!

I am still waiting for the next Person to be accused of Treason.... I won't hold My breath...

17-09-2015, 21:17
My 2p.

Jeremy Corbyn is a conviction politician. He will live and die by those convictions. That is why would be so dangerous if he ever got into a position of real power, and not just as the titular head of a discredited political party.
Think of the other conviction politicians.
Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. A country rich in oil. 65% inflation, nothing in the shops, rampant unemployment.
Mao Tse-tung in China. Mass murder, detention without trial, rampant poverty.
Joseph Stalin. See all of the above.

I could go on.

I can't honestly see him staying in the job for very long as I think there will be a "coup" of some sort from within and he would be deposed for a more centerist leader like Burnham.

As a person he seems disrespectful of both those who are respected by a large majority of the population (The Queen), and the memory of the fallen in wars. He cosies up to terrorists, and the supporters of terrorism, and appears to be on the wrong side of almost every subject.

he has got into this position with the help of very immature "voters" (many under the legal voting age, you could vote in this "election" at 16), and those with a very large axe to grind ie. The Unions. They wanted their own back on the Blairites and Brownites that has eschewed their ideas, but accepted their money.

18-09-2015, 09:04
I am just so glad I made the move to live on this lovely island with my family a few years ago!!!

So are we:laugh:

Malteser Monkey
18-09-2015, 09:09
So are we:laugh:

In fine fettle as usual ! bore da

18-09-2015, 09:34
this is another brit born with a silver spoon up his bum, being an intellectual do-gooding Marxist ready to bend over and let anybody hop on somehow appeals to his masochistic tendencies

18-09-2015, 20:45
In fine fettle as usual ! bore da

Diolch yn Fawr

The trouble is, although We all broadly agree, who will be watching the Other lot.?

We really need a decent opposition to keep the Tories in check,.....don't We?

18-09-2015, 20:57
i think there will be a few front bench labour mp's defect to the tories soon:wink:

18-09-2015, 21:02
i think there will be a few front bench labour mp's defect to the tories soon:wink:

Or hopefully UKIP...............who? !!!

18-09-2015, 21:14
Or hopefully UKIP...............who? !!!oh i wish:pray:.

19-09-2015, 00:08
Like some of the others I'm not politically savvy but I think I can say after looking at this man, he does not exude power nor the presence to be a leader. I've no idea who voted him in, possibly people in the other parties with the hope that if he did make it as leader he would pose no threat to them. He even looked surprised himself when they said he had won!!!
He looked out of his depth during the PMQ last week and the guy looks like he'll be p@@@ing against the wind to make any impact!

19-09-2015, 13:01
Like some of the others I'm not politically savvy but I think I can say after looking at this man, he does not exude power nor the presence to be a leader. I've no idea who voted him in, possibly people in the other parties with the hope that if he did make it as leader he would pose no threat to them. He even looked surprised himself when they said he had won!!!
He looked out of his depth during the PMQ last week and the guy looks like he'll be p@@@ing against the wind to make any impact!

In other words hes a bit oh a jobby

19-09-2015, 17:16
Like some of the others I'm not politically savvy but I think I can say after looking at this man, he does not exude power nor the presence to be a leader. I've no idea who voted him in, possibly people in the other parties with the hope that if he did make it as leader he would pose no threat to them. He even looked surprised himself when they said he had won!!!
He looked out of his depth during the PMQ last week and the guy looks like he'll be p@@@ing against the wind to make any impact!

I think you may be spot on there. The voting seemed to be a bit hap hazard.


19-09-2015, 21:56
In other words hes a bit oh a jobby

Aye .......... And some!!!

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I think you may be spot on there. The voting seemed to be a bit hap hazard.


All some had to do was pay 3 squid and they could vote, what was that all about????

19-09-2015, 22:08
Aye .......... And some!!!

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All some had to do was pay 3 squid and they could vote, what was that all about????it was about trashing any credibility the labour party had left. for at least the next 5 years:wink:

19-09-2015, 22:45
it was about trashing any credibility the labour party had left. for at least the next 5 years:wink:
well it's worked Marbro eh!!!!

19-09-2015, 22:51
well it's worked Marbro eh!!!!it did. astoundingly well. david cameron is wringing his hands with delight. and tim farron is in his elements telling everyone that labour have no credibility left. and the lib dems are the only answer left to combat tory rule:wink:

19-09-2015, 23:04
it did. astoundingly well. david cameron is wringing his hands with delight. and tim farron is in his elements telling everyone that labour have no credibility left. and the lib dems are the only answer left to combat tory rule:wink:

Ms Sturgeon might give them a run for their money yet! :wink:

19-09-2015, 23:17
Ms Sturgeon might give them a run for their money yet! :wink:i think the good scottish people are as wise to her as we are to corbyn:wink:

19-09-2015, 23:24
i think the good scottish people are as wise to her as we are to corbyn:wink:

We're aw up s@@t creek Marbro I'm afraid. Wonder if I'm too late to throw my hat into the ring!
Retire at 40.
Minimum wage 30 quid an hour.
Everyone has to have 20 weeks holiday a year - Tenerife top of the list for that.
Ha, ha.:crylaughing::crylaughing:

Ecky Thump
20-09-2015, 00:00
We're aw up s@@t creek Marbro I'm afraid. Wonder if I'm too late to throw my hat into the ring!
Retire at 40.
Minimum wage 30 quid an hour.
Everyone has to have 20 weeks holiday a year - Tenerife top of the list for that.
Ha, ha.:crylaughing::crylaughing:

Retire at "40", is that not a bit of self interest, as then you would reach retirement age next year!:D

20-09-2015, 00:10
Retire at "40", is that not a bit of self interest, as then you would reach retirement age next year!:D

Your right on the button there Ecky, you know me so well :thanx:

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i think the good scottish people are as wise to her as we are to corbyn:wink:

Had a wee think about that one Marbro, and have to disagree. I actually LIKE the woman, I don't think I can fault her conviction to her party or her country. She doesn't come across as being mamby pamby, and a lot of what she says makes sense. And, as far as I know, she doesn't appear to have a blemish on her career. However, and this is where my political saviness, or lack of it, comes into play - only time will tell if what she's saying is a load of verbal diahoreah or not!! I do think though that there are members of the SNP who looked like they were on a jolly when they arrived at Westminster and were extremely disrespectful. But as leader, here's hoping she gave them it in the neck. The SNP did very well at the General Election so a lot of us must feel the same way and put our trust in them, so I hope they don't let us down!:mad:
Just my threepunce worth of course!:wink:

20-09-2015, 07:34
We're aw up s@@t creek Marbro I'm afraid. Wonder if I'm too late to throw my hat into the ring!
Retire at 40.
Minimum wage 30 quid an hour.
Everyone has to have 20 weeks holiday a year - Tenerife top of the list for that.
Ha, ha.:crylaughing::crylaughing:

Was that no pretty close to the Greek system:laugh:

20-09-2015, 08:29
Was that no pretty close to the Greek system:laugh:

Yeah, and if it worked for them there's no reason why it can't work for us.........oh, hang on a minute.......:laugh:

20-09-2015, 12:05
RE Jeremy Corbyn. Any one that gets in bed with diane abbott must be mentally unfit for any part in running a country picture them both naked and you will know what i mean

20-09-2015, 12:23
RE Jeremy Corbyn. Any one that gets in bed with diane abbott must be mentally unfit for any part in running a country picture them both naked and you will know what i mean

Is it any worse than John Major's exploits:nono::laugh:

22-09-2015, 19:48

We are blessed with a Kingdom of Hippocrits.

a lot hidden under the Official secrets act

22-09-2015, 19:50

We are blessed with a Kingdom of Hippocrits.

a lot hidden under the Official secrets act

Or the duvet even :ashamed:

22-09-2015, 19:58
Or the duvet even :ashamed:

Or even the sleeping bags - oh sorry - wrong thread:laugh:

22-09-2015, 20:05
Or even the sleeping bags - oh sorry - wrong thread:laugh:

:crylaughing::crylaughing::crylaughing::crylaughin g:

22-09-2015, 20:07
Or even the sleeping bags - oh sorry - wrong thread:laugh:

Yes, they really are handy for all sorts of scenarios?....lol